Honored to be part of Colorado history, in being selected as one of 12 independent legislative commissioners to redraw the district lines for the Colorado Legislature. This arose from a vote of the people, choosing to have 4 Republicans, 4 Democrats, and 4...
AARP provides an excellent tool for our clients to know whether or not they are on track to be able to retire when they desire. I just used this tool for Melinda and I. I have been uncomfortable with where we were before, because I did not have my metrics properly...
1. “Long-term deficit? We can hardly afford our bills today.” About a third of workers in their 50s expect Social Security benefits to be their primary source of income in retirement, according to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies. That reliance gives...
This article comes from local financial advisor Elliott Orsillo (www.seasoninvestments.com). Elliott’s excellent analysis of the history and political realities of the debt ceiling debate is worth perusing.Hope this helps you!Sincerely,John Posted on January 15,...
Fiscal Cliff: Why Congress Might Have to Mess with the 401(k) This article explores whether or not retirement savings accounts, like the 401(k) will become the new target of Congress to pay for the national...
1. What does a life insurance trust do?An irrevocable life insurance trust gives you more control over your insurance policies and the money that is paid from them. It also lets you reduce or even eliminate estate taxes, so more of your estate can go to your loved...