Legacy Planning | Asset Protection | Wealth Preservation
Legacy Planning
Asset Protection
Wealth Preservation
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Buckley Law is a boutique law practice, serving clients in estate planning, business planning, corporate law, asset protection planning, and nonprofit planning (including both public and private foundations, as well as all forms of charitable trusts). Attorney John C. Buckley III is a graduate of the USAF Academy (BS), Webster University (MA), and Harvard Law (JD).
We are a team of professionals called to advise and help families, business owners and others control and preserve their hard-won wealth through unique and customized legal strategies, counseling and planning.
What makes us different from our competition?
We are a high-touch, low volume practice. Education and Service are the two most important traits of our practice that distinguish us from most of our competition. Our set fee includes time teaching you what we did on your behalf, without billing you hourly for the “privilege” of helping you understand your own estate plan!
Most of our pricing is set fee, not hourly fees (hourly fees are the “typical” billing model used by lawyers). Our education and service are already factored into our set fees.
Both John Buckley and Melinda Buckley (John’s wife and Legal Administrator) have owned (and own) small businesses other than Buckley Law, so we understand the unique estate and business planning needs of business owners.
- We conduct a first meeting with potential estate planning clients at no charge. They discuss the potential client’s family as well as the client’s goals, dreams and aspirations. At that point (if the client wishes to work with the Firm), Buckley Law prepares and coordinates a plan that achieves the client’s immediate as well as long-term goals.
We don’t just “do” trusts when that is that the tool you decide to use for your estate plan…we title assets in the name of the trust, insuring that the purpose you intended (avoiding probate) is actually accomplished. Unfortunately, many of our competitors don’t provide this valuable service, and then the client’s plan can be subverted if conflict arises…and we’ve seen a lot of conflicts in the approximately 30 years that this Firm existed (not from plans we did, our plans have actually prevented conflict). This work is included in our set fee.
We spend a lot of time with our clients. We have no preconceived notion of what tools you should or should not use when you meet with us for a free consultation. We let you define your hopes, goals, aspirations and dreams. After our free estate planning consult, we draft an engagement letter that makes (and explains) our recommendations, based upon what we learned in our first meeting together. That means we work hard to earn your trust and then please you when you honor us with your business.
We do what we say, and say what we do. Melinda and I went to high school together in Kentucky. We learned early in our formative years to under-promise and over-perform. We follow through. If you sign up for our PEPP (Prevent Estate Planning Problems) Plan after we do your estate plan, we make maintaining your estate plan easy, irrespective of changes in the law. We know that maintaining your business or estate plan is just as important as creating that plan.
Who are our clients?
Families and individuals who have amassed an estate and desire that it pass to whomever they want, whenever they want, with the minimal amount of expenses (including attorneys and court costs).
Medical professionals concerned about the litigious nature of our society, concerned about a patient someday who may be looking to that doctor as the equivalent of a winning lottery ticket.
Business owners desiring to insure that their legal affairs, including contracts, protect his or her interests in the best fashion.
Entrepreneurs looking for a turnkey strategy to form and ultimately exit from a business with style.
John Buckley calls himself a Counsellor at Law because we believe our calling to help you is unique. We are a team of professionals called to advise and help families, business owners and others control and preserve their hard-won wealth through unique and customized legal strategies, counseling and planning. John Buckley calls himself a Counsellor at Law because we believe our calling to help you (like the title) is unique. We look forward to the opportunity to prove it to you. Reach out to us today to get started!
“Portability” of the Federal Estate Tax Exemption – What does it Mean?
With the political and economic climate as it is in the summer of 2008, we are not likely to see total repeal of the federal estate tax in the foreseeable future. However, both Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates support estate tax reform. Realistically,...